Top Tech Podcasts in 2022

Top Tech Podcasts in 2022

We have collected several recommendations from professionals if you are a tech geek looking for podcasts to listen to while you’re on the go. Here are the top podcasts about technology to listen to this 2022.

From Shad Elia, Founder & CEO of New England Home Buyers:

Marketplace Podcast

This fast-paced daily audio summarizes the day’s most important business headlines. The Marketplace Podcast is ideal for listening on your way home from work (new episodes are released Monday through Friday at 3:30 p.m. PT). Kai Ryssdal, the host and a talented team of journalists, offers you all the highlights and provides context to help you comprehend the larger picture.

Odd Lots Podcast

Bloomberg wields considerable impact as one of the most respected names in business journalism. The Odd Lots podcast features two of Bloomberg’s most prominent characters, Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway. They sit down with CEOs and leaders from the world’s major banks, technology businesses, and investment firms to discuss markets and finance from new viewpoints.

From Jason Richardson, Haro Responder from Zen Zero:

Earn Your Leisure

Earn Your Leisure is an excellent place to start if you’re new to the business world. Troy Millings, the co-host, was an elementary school teacher in the Bronx who educated children about financial literacy. He invited his friend Rashad Bilal, a financial expert, to join him in the

classroom. Then they took what they learned in class and created one of the best business podcasts.

GreenBiz 350

Joel Makower and Heather Clancy co-host this weekly green energy podcast, which features interviews with individuals and organizations setting the standard for sustainable business and clean technology.

The panel will examine greener logistical solutions, transportation innovation, and quantifying corporate sustainability efforts. Most episodes include a quick mention of recent industry news, ensuring that you’re always informed about the energy business’s most important stories.

From Cornelia Ardelean, a marketer from SF App Works:

I think The Innovation Cookbook would be a great match for your list. Here at SF AppWorks, we’re exploring the digital frontier, and our mission is to unearth the keys to innovation. We’ll be speaking with Heads of innovation departments, entrepreneurs, designers, and amongst ourselves on all things process, pattern, and people. The podcast is hosted by SF AppWorks’ CEO – Andrew Greenstein. He’s a visionary entrepreneur and an established author on software development and rapid prototyping innovation. He and his team of developers have built amazing digital products focusing on consumer behaviors and emerging technologies.

From Tudor Armand Ciuleanu, founder of RebelDot:

Marco Arment, Casey Liss, and John Siracusa cover all sorts of the latest tech topics, including gadgets, the biggest tech companies, programming, and so much more. For me, I get a very wide scope of the latest tech advances in the world from one podcast with three great hosts that I enjoy listening to!

I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who – like myself – enjoys learning about the latest tech and finding ways to implement it in your life.

From Sarah Lean, IT Professional from Octopus Deploy:

Technology is moving fast, and keeping up to date can be a massive challenge. This is where podcasts can help. Some great individuals are creating inspirational and informative podcasts out there. 

Knee Deep in Tech

Knee Deep in Tech is a podcast by Swedish technologies, Simon Binder, Heini Ilmarinen, and Alexander Arvidsson. All three are Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) and Microsoft Certified Trainers. Their podcast is bi-weekly and focuses on the Microsoft Stack. 

They manage to entertain and educate during each podcast. 


RunAsRadio is a weekly podcast that Richard Campbell hosts. Richard has a great back catalog of shows with some of the biggest names in IT as guests. Each week he interviews a guest on a topic or technology. RunAsRadio is a great podcast that helps to keep you up to date with the latest news or controversy of the tech world. 

MJF Chat

MJF Chat is a podcast that is released twice every month. Each episode sees Mary Jo Foley interview a guest from the IT Pro community. 

From Saskia Ketz, CEO of Mojomox:

TED Talks Technology

The TED Talks Technology show is a podcast that combines interesting topics with headlines you won’t find in the news. They dive into stories from different angles, including data privacy concerns and how technology influences psychology, to name just some examples on their list of possible episodes for this season. 

From Stewart McGrenary, Director of Freedom Mobiles:

The Tech Guy Podcast

One of the most popular and informative podcasts is The Tech Guy, hosted by Leo Laporte. This syndicated show covers all topics related to technology, from how you can protect yourself online to what happens when viruses find their way into your device without protection; there’s something for everyone on this podcast!

From Nick Chernets, CEO of Data for SEO:

IT Visionaries

IT Visionaries is a podcast that aims to share actionable tips for all IT experts, regardless of their position or experience. Aside from talking about specific actions IT professionals can take to improve their business, IT Visionaries covers some of the more abstract topics such as the future of entire IT. It’s always interesting to hear different perspectives and confront their views. The podcast is great both for those who have been in the industry for years and beginners still learning about everything. 

From Marilyn Gaskell, Founder of True People Search Founder:

Being a tech business owner, I am always looking forward to listening to tech podcasts as it brings me the knowledge and help me set my next goals. However, the most interesting tech podcasts that I am looking forward to listening to in 2022 are:

Planet Money

This long-running NPR podcast has the polished production values and high-quality storytelling that you’d expect from the brand. Each episode focuses on a particular economic topic drawn from national and international news.

How I Built This

This is the best podcast for small business owners as it helps answer questions like what it takes to create a major enterprise from the ground up and how it reached success.

Earn Your Leisure

Earn Your Leisure is a terrific place to start if you’re studying the business world from the ground up.

Marketplace Podcast

If you’re headed home after a hard day at the office, the Marketplace Podcast is a great choice. This fast-paced, daily 30-minute audio gives you a rundown of the day’s most important business news.

From Harriet, Co-Founder of CocoFinder:


For anyone interested in the latest technology trends, fintech, and the digital world, TechTrends is your ideal podcast. The podcast covers topics around technology and the cutting-edge innovations around it. Additionally, you will learn how to apply these technologies to facilitate business innovations. The good thing is that the podcast focuses on non-customer-facing trends, and any company executive interested in going beyond the typical technology discussions can listen to this podcast.

From Olga Bedrina, Content Marketing Manager of Semaphore:

Semaphore Uncut

Semaphore Uncut is a biweekly podcast for developers about building great products. Darko Fabijan, the podcast host, welcomes industry experts and engineering leaders and talks about the latest news in the industry, using technology to build software and general developer productivity.

Darko, the co-founder of Semaphore, enjoys breaking new ground and exploring tools and ideas that improve developer lives. He enjoys finding the best technical solutions with his engineering team at Semaphore. In the podcast, Darko discusses the themes surrounding impact-driven software and how we can support a culture of innovation in the world’s leading software companies—building greater software for global impact.

From Lynda Farley, co-founder of Numlooker:

The popularity of podcasts is booming nowadays due to the surge in SoundCloud, Spotify, and iTunes. It’s beyond surprising that tech podcasts are top-rated among the listeners. Top 3 top tech podcasts are shown below:

Reply All

It covers the often-symbiotic relationship between peers and technology, and none other than Reply All is the best. This extraordinary show takes listeners down undiscovered paths to examine various original ideas and topics. Alex Goldman and Hosts PJ Vogt do an outstanding job creatively spinning various tech stories.


Kara Swisher hosts this top-tech podcast. It has stored several tech knowledge for you. Kara, the tech journalist, and Scott Galloway, the NYU professor, provide unfiltered acumens into the biggest business, tech, and politics stories every Tuesday and Friday.


An Apple or consumer technology fanatic will never miss the Upgrade podcast hosted by Myke Hurley and Jason Snell. It looks at how cutting-edge technology molds our lives, from the gadgets in our hands and pockets to the streaming services.

From Hugo Pathak, Marketing and Communications Officer of Uhive:


With all three hosts being developers, the accidental tech podcast knows their stuff. They give detailed explanations of the latest products and break them down to tell you what you need to know.


Utalk is a podcast hosted by the people at Uhive. Chive is a social metaverse app with its crypto and NFT marketplace. With guests such as NFT artist Chris Trueman and futurist/metaverse expert Theo Priestly, UTalk gives amazing insight into what the blockchain space is really like.

Cryptonews Podcast

Crypto news podcast keeps you updated on the latest scoops in crypto and blockchain, from who’s releasing the hot latest NFTs to the latest innovations in the space.


This podcast delivers short, sweet episodes no longer than 30 minutes, discussing current tech issues, and features two special guests a week. Four people, four topics. You can’t go wrong.


Rocket is for geeky fun. You can always count on Rocket to launch you into a great audible universe when you talk about tech, comics, movies, games, and books.

From Olivia Long, Editor-in-Chief of Drone Guru:

Women in the Tech Republic

One of the best tech podcasts out there is Women in the Tech Republic. This podcast is hosted by women and features other women in the tech industry.

They feature many amazing female workers and how they got to where they are. It helps to encourage other women interested in entering the tech field and encourage diversity. They also talk about the most current news in the technology world, making every episode exciting and encouraging. This podcast is a must-listen for 2022

From Todd Ramlin, Manager of Cable Compare:

How I Built This

My favorite tech podcast is “How I Built This”. It’s hosted by Guy Roz from NPR and tells the stories behind the world’s best companies, including episodes that cover tech companies like Air BNB, Cisco, and Dropbox. The high-quality interviews with interesting people are what I like the most about “How I Built This”

From June Griffith, Founder of Garden Furniture:

Podcasts are good resources for ones who do not like to spend numerous days on a 300-word book. My first and best recommendation would be This Week in Tech for tech freaks. Hosted every week, it updates its listeners about what is happening in the technological world and how it makes a difference. Daily Tech News Show would be a good choice for daily tech updates. Lastly, if you want to dive deeper into tech, give TechStuff a shot. It explores the science behind technology and how it impacts us and the world.

From Eli Inman, Founder of US Investment Network:

Fintech Growth Talk Podcast

This podcast is one of the best fintech podcasts available in 2021. It discusses everything related to the fintech space, including contactless payment, online banking, money apps, and – of course, the cryptocurrency space.

Christina Trampota discusses these topics from various perspectives, including consumers, business owners, investors, and beyond. Each episode can be unique from the last, so there’s an episode for everyone, even if you end up skipping one episode or another.

Because fintech has such a grip on our society and the decisions made in this space are important to how we work and live, I believe this is one of the best tech podcasts to listen to in 2022.

From Andra Andrioaie, Content & PR Officer of Heimdal Security:

Phishing Scam Insights

I would recommend three podcasts: the first is called Phishing scam insights with Morten Kjærsgaard CEO Heimdal™ Security. It is about our CEO, who appeared on the 16th of November 2021 in The Irish Tech News Podcast with Ronan Leonard. They talked about the GLS SPAM campaign, which leveraged advanced obfuscation techniques Heimdal™ discovered, and how to protect yourself from SPAM emails. 

Grumpy Old Geeks

The second podcast I would recommend would be Grumpy Old Geeks, which talks about the nice and the sour face of modern digital life, being funny and informative at the same time. 

CloudCast Basics

The third interesting podcast, in my opinion, consists of the episodes from CloudCast Basics and gives you excellent knowledge about the cloud, its features, and its pros and cons.

From Yazan Sehwail, CEO and Founder of Userpilot:

In Machines We Trust

I’ve enjoyed listening to ‘In Machines We Trust’ since discovering it a few years ago. It explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence on our lives and its potential for the future. AI touches our lives in many ways, and we may not even realize it. AI truly is the most magnificent tech development in the last number of years, and it has transformed the way we live, work, and play.

In this podcast, they discover different topics related to AI in each episode!

From Lucie Chavez, CMO of Radaris:


A tech podcast I’ve listened to on and off the last few hours (and love) is Clockwise. A well-done podcast that covers a wide variety of topics but is all related to the use, advancement, and deployment of the latest technology. Each episode includes a guest or two experts in their specific space, providing a fresh perspective each week, while the hosts create a comfortable dialogue you can depend on.

It’s also great that each episode is never over 30 minutes, so I can fit them in between calls, meetings, during commutes and can use them as a way to refresh my mind on a busy day.

From Daniela Sawyer, Founder of FindPeopleFast:

Darknet Diaries

One of the best podcasts about the dark internet is the hackers, crimes, and weird ways the government weaves itself online. Well-liked by IT experts and non-IT employees alike, Darknet Diaries is an engaging method to learn about security challenges on the internet and gives us a visceral knowledge of why the IT department is so vital.

Accidental Tech Podcast

ATP is a podcast about the latest trends in the tech world. Developers themselves host it, so they genuinely know their thing, and following their in-depth discussions feels like we have a backstage ticket to an industry meeting of the best of the best. The program alternates between comprehensive descriptions of the most recent products and long-running jokes amongst tech pals. It is suitable for anything tech, from the nitty-gritty of programming languages to the most recent industry news.

This Week in Enterprise Tech

This Week in Enterprise Tech focuses on professional IT while making themes relevant, enjoyable, and simple to absorb. The show’s hosts, Louis Maresca, Brian Chee, Curt Franklin, Brian McHenry, and Heather Mo Williams, discuss enterprise system developments. Every Friday, programs are recorded live, with almost 400 episodes accessible for on-demand listening.

Ted Talks Technology

The famous talk show hosts talks with leading scientists and influencers worldwide, sharing their research, findings, thoughts, and experiences. Discussion topics range from highly technical to hypothetical problems.

The Stalman Podcast

Tyler Stalman, the presenter, characterizes his podcast as full-stack artists who take images, produce films, and love tech. His interview format means that a guest joins him in practically every episode. He discusses their process and tales from their amateur days. Each episode is pretty fascinating, as he offers some advice to other aspiring content makers, with most of his chats being on photography and videography. Tyler also interviews notable tech YouTubers and discusses the latest tech news. As a skilled filmmaker, his tech product evaluations are generally one-of-a-kind.

From Steven Walker, CEO of Spylix:

Fast-paced technology. Take it from a real-life techie! It goes so quickly that it’s impossible to keep up. But podcasts can help. You might think of them as a sort of audio CliffsNotes. The following podcasts will keep you informed, educated, and possibly entertained. Here are the best:

Two Irish Guys Discussing Software

Not every household name in IT deserves to be a darling. One of the most popular podcasts on iTunes is Two Irish Guys Discussing Software, which focuses on what the media doesn’t cover for software firms. Every month hosts Tomás O’Leary and Brendan Walsh debate the most divisive issues before asking guests for their opinions.

Ted Talks Technology

Few people haven’t heard of the TED Talks series. And their Ted Talks Technology show is one of the best tech podcasts out there. It delves into unusual stories with non-news headlines. These brief but educational episodes focus on data privacy, the relationship between technology and psychology, and emerging technology’s role in various industries.

Accidental Tech

What happens when three pals decide to make a car show? With the Accidental Tech Podcast, you unintentionally create one of the top tech podcasts. These three developers dive deep into many topics true techies know and appreciate. It’s one of the genre’s most unusual shows, combining technical expertise and inside jokes.

Track Changes

Technology is changing the world, but not necessarily better. Postlight, a digital product firm, produces track Changes. They understand how technology works and apply it to improve software programs and technology in general. They have almost 200 episodes with various guests and perspectives on current topics.

Lindsey Allard, CEO and Founder of PlaybookUX

99% Invisible

This podcast provides a weekly episode all about the process and power of design in our lives! Design is everywhere, and Roman Mars understands its importance and is quite qualified to discuss it. In each episode, he details a topic, quality, product, event, or idea and dissects the power of the design.

For web/UX designers, architects, and people especially interested in tech, this is a great podcast to listen to each week.

From Ari Shpanya, Co-Founder and CEO of Loan Base:

Innovating with Scott Amyx

Scott Amyx is a well-known expert in product innovation who has seen his fame grow exponentially with his podcast, Innovating with Scott Amyx. Innovating features novel innovation best practices from Scott and a wide range of guests who constantly contribute with many fantastic tech innovation interviews.

TechTrends with JPMorgan Chase

As simple as its name suggests, TechTrends with JPMorgan Chase

 is a podcast aimed at tech business leaders staying up to date with the latest tech and fintech trends. This is the kind of podcast that teaches you something new after every single episode, which is why I highly recommend it to those who are always hungry to learn new things.

From Joseph Carson, Chief Security Scientist & Advisory of ThycoticCentrify:


Smashing Security podcast with Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault is an awesome podcast that is fun to listen to and, on several occasions, makes me laugh hard. It is a great podcast, as cybersecurity is tough and a major challenge. Cyber threats, security incidents, nation-state actors, ransomware, and cybercrime are usually doom and gloom, but Smashing Security helps brighten the day and make everyone smile for a bit.

Security Now with Steve Gibson

Security Now with Steve Gibson podcast is another great listen though sometimes quite long; however, it does get a bit more technical, and Steve Insights are always a great listen.

401 Access Denied Podcast with Joseph Carson

This is a relatively new podcast for which I am the host; however, it has been growing fast with so many amazing guests on the show and important topics being covered. The focus is on cybersecurity education, trends, and sharing knowledge.

Penetration Testing Top Tips with Dave Kennedy

Dave Kennedy joins us to share best practices for penetration testing. Get a window into the life of a security expert and learn how threat hunting is making the cyber security industry stronger. Dave is the founder and CEO of TrustedSec and Binary Defense, co-author of Metasploit: The Penetration Testers Guide, and founder of the now-defunct DerbyCon security conference.

The podcast episode was a fun discussion and always great to catch up with amazing people, and one of them is Dave Kennedy. This episode stood out as we discussed an important topic and a major challenge in the cybersecurity industry: burnout. Dave’s insights and tips are crucial for everyone in the security industry. It is a must-listen episode.

Zero Trust Fundamentals with Dave Lewis

We cover the fundamentals of Zero Trust security in this episode of 401 Access Denied, where host Joe Carson is joined by Cisco Global Advisory CISO Dave Lewis. They discuss the different interpretations of Zero Trust, ways to communicate its importance, and steps for getting started. Listen now as we enter the third week of Cybersecurity Awareness month.

Zero trust is a hot topic and trend in the industry, with many different explanations and assumptions. This podcast episode with the amazing Dave Lewis aka Gattaca covers the fundamentals of Zero Trust, makes it easier to understand, and helps those who will take the zero trust journey.

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