What Are The Fair Information Access Practices?

What Are The Fair Information Access Practices?

The Fair Information Practices, also known as the Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs), are eight principles regarding data usage, collection, and privacy. They were published in 1980 by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and several countries agreed upon them in principle.

These practices include specific rights that users have regarding how their personal information is collected and used online. In addition to being fair, they are also practical because they guide how to protect user privacy while allowing organizations to collect necessary information for business purposes.

Organizations must comply with these principles when processing personal information about individuals within their jurisdiction regardless of whether they operate locally or globally. This includes but is not limited to government agencies, financial institutions such as banks or insurance companies, along with private sector businesses, including retailers who collect consumer data from transactions made online or offline via credit cards, etc.

The FIPPs continue to be influential in modern-day privacy discussions. Many organizations use them as guidance for handling personal data. Several principles from this list have been included within important frameworks such as the GDPR, or CCPA-which protects consumer rights after this referred to as“privacy laws.”

Following are the eight principles of information access practices.

  • The collection limitation principle limits the collection of personal data, and any such data should be obtained by lawful and fair means.
  • The data quality principle ensures that the personal data is relevant for the purposes for which it is to be used.
  • The purpose specification principle guarantees that the purpose for which data is being collected is specified at the time of collection rather than later on.
  • Use limitation principle ensures that personal data is not disclosed, made available, or otherwise used for purposes other than those specified.
  • Security safeguards principle gives the required security to safeguard personal data.
  • The openness principle is the general policy of openness about developments, practices, and policies with respect to personal data.
  • The individual participation principle gives individuals the power to question data controllers regarding their data.
  • The accountability principle states that the data controllers should be accountable for complying with the above-stated measures.

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Editor-in-Chief Larry has worked a decade in finance, for an international bank where he saw before his eyes how his former company invested on almost everything that has something to do with technology and advancement. This inspired him to create the company along with his then newly-formed team of professionals from different fields, different walks of life.