9 Pieces Of Gear Every Nursing Home Should Have At Its Disposal

Nursing homes are designed to provide care for people who have complex health issues. However, just having skilled nurses on staff isn’t enough to ensure that every resident gets proper care.

Reducing the need for transporting residents to hospitals requires having the right gear on hand. Read on to find out about nine essential pieces of gear every nursing home should have at its disposal to help prevent unnecessary hospitalizations.

1. Medication Management Systems

Most residents in nursing homes take multiple medications, so avoiding medication errors should be a top priority for every facility. Pharmacy Dispensing Machines make it easier to ensure all residents’ medications are available and dispensed properly and the risk of human error is reduced.

2. Mobility Devices

Nursing home residents are also more likely than the general population to struggle with mobility impairments. Keeping them safe while simultaneously supporting a reasonable level of independence requires specialized assistive devices like walkers, wheelchairs, and shower seats.

3. Lifts

When residents struggle with significant mobility impairments, getting them up and moving may require more than just a walker or a wheelchair. Patient bed and chair lifts can make it easier for the staff to help residents get around.

4. Assessment Tools

The staff at nursing homes is responsible for performing regular resident health assessments to monitor changes in health status and identify potential signs of illness. To perform comprehensive assessments, nurses will need access to:

●  A stethoscope

●  An otoscope

●  A pulse oximeter

●  A thermometer

●  A blood pressure cuff

●  A scale

5. Exercise Equipment

Keeping physically fit can help to reduce residents’ health risks an improve both their mood and cognitive function. While it’s great to have a fully stocked fitness facility on-site, traditional gym equipment isn’t always useful to mobility impaired or physically unwell residents. Keep specialized exercise equipment for bedridden residents on-hand for physical therapy.

6. Mental/Cognitive Health Support Tools

Keeping mentally fit isn’t quite as simple as just eating good food and getting exercise. Nursing home residents also need to be provided with items to keep them occupied. Books, CDs, movies, games, puzzles, and even computers can all be useful tools for keeping residents engaged and entertained.

7. Portable Suction Machines

Nursing home residents often struggle with chronic respiratory conditions. They’re also more prone to developing colds, flu, and pneumonia and more likely to choke on food during meals. All nursing homes should have a portable emergency suction machine available to deal with severe respiratory emergencies such as choking, aspiration, and anaphylaxis.

8. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Infections of all sorts can travel like wildfire in nursing home facilities, but if the staff takes proper infection prevention precautions, it’s easier to keep them under control. Make sure everyone interacting with residents has access to vital PPE like masks, goggles, face shields, and aprons, and provide plenty of hand sanitizer, soap, and disinfecting wipes.

9. First-Aid Items

There’s no reason to send most residents with minor injuries to the hospital. Instead, make sure there’s a fully-stocked first aid kit available to help staff treat issues like minor cuts, burns, and sprains. It will be less distressing to the patient if he or she doesn’t have to be transported to a hospital for care.

Stock Up Now

There has never been a better time to make sure nursing homes have everything needed to keep residents safe and healthy. Find reputable vendors and order the gear, equipment, and supplies described above in sufficient quantities before something goes wrong.

Editor-in-Chief Larry has worked a decade in finance, for an international bank where he saw before his eyes how his former company invested on almost everything that has something to do with technology and advancement. This inspired him to create the company along with his then newly-formed team of professionals from different fields, different walks of life.