7 Common Mistakes in Cybersecurity to Avoid for Your Business

7 Common Mistakes in Cybersecurity to Avoid for Your Business

About 60% of small businesses that fall prey to cyberattacks go out of business within six months. These attacks cost small and medium businesses over $2.2 million annually. Unfortunately, there was a 424% increase in these breaches since last year. 

While 66% of businesses worry about risks, 47% have no understanding of how to protect themselves. Many are still making common mistakes in cybersecurity.

Not sure if your company is secure? Read on to discover the common cyber threats you need to avoid to protect your business.

1. Assuming You’re Safe

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is assuming you’re already safe. Cybercriminals attack companies big and small. Assuming you’re safe might lead you to continue making these cybersecurity mistakes. 

Instead, consider outsourcing to an IT management company that offers cybersecurity services. Allow them to complete a full audit of your current infrastructure. Their review will determine if there are any vulnerabilities in your current system.

If you haven’t implemented stringent security policies yet, now is the time. Remember, cybercrime has increased year-over-year, causing many businesses to shut down. 

If you don’t have a system in place, cybercriminals will view you as an easy target. Many attackers view small businesses as low-hanging fruit. They’ll target your vulnerabilities without hesitation.

Take the time to implement and update your cybersecurity policies. Implementing these policies will help safeguard your business. If you’re unsure of what updates to make, consult your managed IT services company.

It’s important to note that policies that were once applicable may not remain applicable over time. You need to make updates regularly to continue safeguarding your business. 

Set a time to make these updates at least once a year. Review your existing ecosystem and research trends and potential dangers to make relevant updates. 

2. Neglecting Patch Management

Apply security updates in a timely manner to avoid vulnerabilities. Otherwise, you could compromise sensitive client or business data. Frequent updates can keep your business safeguarded from new cyberattacks and techniques. 

Make sure to test your critical updates and security patches in a controlled environment. You can automate this process to ensure consistency. 

3. Not Testing Backups

Backing up data can safeguard your business if an incident occurs. However, it’s important to test your backups to ensure everything is working properly. If there’s an incident, you might not realize the backup failed until it’s too late.

Testing your backups and confirming their functionality can give you peace of mind. If there’s an incident, you can recover the backups to minimize the impact. 

4. Using Outdated Tech

In time, manufacturers will stop supporting your outdated technology. Your devices might not remain compatible with the latest security technology.

Make an effort to update your hardware and software on a routine basis. Otherwise, neglecting upgrades could leave the entire system vulnerable. 

Your employees likely use their smartphones, laptops, desktops, and tablets to get work done. Neglecting to secure these devices could leave your team vulnerable. Theft, data loss, or unauthorized access could occur. 

Secure devices by implementing a clear policy. Develop a Device Management System (MD) to remotely manage and wipe devices when needed. Require your team to use stronger passwords or biometric authentication. 

5. Neglecting Employee Training

Train your employees by educating them about safe online practices and cybersecurity policies. Training can minimize the occurrence of human error. 

As the weakest link in your organization’s security, employees can unintentionally leave you vulnerable. 

Make sure your employees aren’t browsing insecure websites. These websites could introduce malware to your devices or system. Spyware might begin spying on your activities or taking control of your gadgets.

Instead, block access to insecure websites. Train your employees to remain cautious of these sites as well. Most antivirus programs will alert you if you try to visit a malicious site.

Others will even terminate the connection.

You should also make sure your employees use strong passwords and two-factor authentication.

Unfortunately, many data breaches occur due to one poor decision an employee makes. Train your employees to use passwords properly. Otherwise, hackers could guess the password before spreading malware through your network.

Two-factor authentication will further strengthen your security. 

6. No Incident Response Plan

Develop an incident response plan in case incidents occur. A quick response time can minimize the attack’s overall impact. 

Outline the procedures your team will need to follow if there’s a security incident. Having a plan in place can ensure an immediate response. Make sure to identify cross-functional incident response team members as well.

Determining who is responsible for implementing each element of the plan will ensure everyone is on the same page.

Consider testing your plan regularly using simulations. Testing your plan can help you identify potential weaknesses. It can also help ensure the entire team is aware of their roles in the plan.

7. Failing to Outsource

Another huge mistake you might make is neglecting to outsource your IT security needs to a managed IT company. Your in-house team is likely already focused on complex projects. Splitting their focus might leave you vulnerable to other common cyber threats.

Instead, look for a long-established IT company with years of experience in cybersecurity. Try to find a company with multiple services that can benefit your business.

You can request IT support from Integris to learn more.

With their help, you can strengthen your security and improve your infrastructure. Managed IT services can streamline your operations, improving your productivity and output. Your ROI will improve, allowing your business to grow.

Meanwhile, more people will recognize you prioritize cybersecurity and their privacy. Customers might feel more inclined to choose your business as a result. 

Avoid These Common Mistakes in Cybersecurity

Learning how to avoid the common mistakes in cybersecurity mentioned above will protect your brand, clients, and longevity. Invest in protecting business data this year. Otherwise, your company might go out of business sooner than anticipated. 

Upgrade your digital security today!

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Editor-in-Chief Larry has worked a decade in finance, for an international bank where he saw before his eyes how his former company invested on almost everything that has something to do with technology and advancement. This inspired him to create the company along with his then newly-formed team of professionals from different fields, different walks of life.